Laser tattoo removal techniques can significantly diminish the appearance of your unwanted tattoo.
At SKINMED Laser Clinics, we take great pleasure in utilising the most current, clinically proven technology to provide the greatest outcomes for our clients, and laser tattoo removal is no exception.
How it works
The newest Tattoo Removal Technology laser enables Skinmed Laser Clinics to:
We will achieve maximum clearing of your tattoo in one-third of the time required by conventional q-switch lasers. This means that your tattoo will be eliminated in a minimum of ten sessions, as compared to the fifteen to twenty treatments required by classic q switch technology.
Obtain superior clearance of ALL ink colours, especially the more challenging ones, such as blue and green.
Reduce healing time and prevent injury to the skin surrounding the tattoo using the world's safest tattoo removal equipment.
Clearer skin with fewer treatments yielding greater, faster results without harming the adjacent skin.
Preparation & Aftercare
It is crucial to avoid sun exposure and solariums for at least four weeks prior to therapy and throughout the entire course of treatment. Any form of exposure can raise the risk of skin burning, blistering, and pigment alterations, including post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation.
Additionally, it is crucial to avoid using fake tans prior to treatment and to ensure that the treatment region is clear of any artificial pigments, including makeup, on the day of your visit.

Why Skinmed

Safety & Technology
Our highly-skilled Therapists use modern technology and high-performance cosmeceutical skincare products to achieve best-in-class results.

Top medical team
We have top medical practitioners and we are always here to help you with every step!

Proven Results
We have the expertise to treat any skin condition and the latest, most effective Skin Treatments to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.
Frequently Asked Question

Skinmed Laser Clinics does not promise 100 percent clearance of all tattoos due to the fact that depth, type of ink, and colour of ink are all variables that can lead to less than 100 percent clearance.

Depending on the skin type, colour, and depth of the tattoo ink, the majority of professional tattoos may require anywhere from six to ten treatments.
By requiring only this amount of sessions, your tattoo can be completely removed in approximately 6 to 8 months. Compared to standard q switch technology, which requires 15-20 sessions and 1.5 - 2 years to achieve the same effect, you can remove that undesirable tattoo more quickly than ever before.

As with all laser treatments, some very mild discomfort can be experienced; however, the majority of patients can handle the procedure without difficulty. For all tattoo removal procedures, the Cooling System will be used to significantly reduce client discomfort by cooling the treatment region.

Immediate after treatment, the affected area will feel similar to sunburn, with reddish, warm skin.
Immediately following laser therapy, the tattoo may have a somewhat elevated and frosted (white) appearance. This is the skin's defence system; the laser causes enough of a reaction in the ink particles that the skin attempts to prevent additional damage. There may be some redness and pinpoint bleeding surrounding the wound.
For the majority of patients, these responses typically persist between 2 and 12 hours, although in some situations might last up to 48 hours after therapy. If these symptoms persist for more than 48 hours after therapy, please contact the clinic.